
Showing posts from December, 2018

Being a mother and a solo parent

My baby is now 3 months old! I can't believe how fast (yet slow) time flies! I'm happy that I have a lot of support coming in from my friends and family. Everything that they said makes sense to me now. Their words of encouragement and pieces of advice back then are really helpful. One that really stood out was when Ninang A said something like "treasure the first few weeks because those are the moments that pass by quickly". Yes, it's true! Though I have to say that having almost no good sleep can be pretty difficult. Like to the point where your eyes just won't open no matter how hard you try to wake yourself up. That happened to me a few days ago. I have been waking up at around 2am everyday since that's the time when my boy would fuss about. Then, one time, he started fussing again with Nana holding him. I tried to wake up because that's the only time when I can hold him because I have to start getting ready for work at around 4:30. Howev